Kett C-130 Powder Whiteness Tester
Kett C-130 Powder Whiteness Tester This instrument measures the whiteness of various powders, such as starch, wheat, sugar, drugs and cement. It is smaller and lighter than the conventional C-100. The amount of sample required for measurement has been reduced by redesigning the sample case.
Agriculture Moisture Meter, Alat pengukur keputihan bubuk pati, gandum, gula, obat-obatan dan semen
Specifications Kett C-130 Powder Whiteness Tester :
- Measurement Method: Reflectivity measurement
- Applications: Various types of powder (Starch, Wheat flour, Tapioca flour, Cement etc.)
- Measurement Item: Whiteness (different from JIS whiteness)
- Measurement Range: 5.0-120.0
- Resolution: 0.1
- Display Format: Fluorescent display tube
- Functions: User calibration curve, sensitivity adjustment notification, average, printer output
- Accessories:
Whiteness standard plate, Whiteness standard plate case, Sample platter x 5, Sample platter holder, Spoon with spatula, Brush, Cleaning brush, Blower brush, Glass wiper, Replacement fuse, Power cord, Power plug conversion adapter, Simple guide to sampling, User manual - Options: Printer VZ-330 (Cable : VZC-14)
PT Putra Siduasaudara Indonesia
Pelayanan Kalibrasi Flow Meter/ Water Meter :
Jasa Kalibrasi, Jasa Tera, Jasa Tera Ulang, Untuk Pengujian Flowmeter (Sertifikat Metrology) ;
- Water Meter,
- Oil Meter,
- Gas Meter,
- Listrik Meter
- Agriculture Moisture Meter &
- Timbangan.